Sunday, August 9, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009

My New Baby Sis!

Well, I have been waiting a long time for this day to come,a new baby sister! Someone to play with, someone to watch after, someone to torture...just kidding! The anticipation of her arrival has left me exhausted! But unfortunately, all the excitement I have had for her has been met with bitter disappointment. She eats, she sleeps, she makes gurgling noises in strange places, and thats about it. I was so pumped for her to come but she steals all my attention! Well, something has to be done about this....

If you want to check her out, feel free to view the video...until next time...


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Hey there, how ya doing? My name is Will and this is my blog. It is the greatest blog ever, so feel honored for finding it. As of now, I have 25 days "on the outside", but don't let that fool you, as I know you grown-ups are easily fooled, I am probably the smartest person alive.

You may be thinking by now, "How in the heck is a little newborn writing his own blog?" Well, its simple really. You see, when you big people goo and ga at my cuteness, you think I don't understand what you're doing, but it is you who doesn't understand. You see me as a tiny blob of preciousness that hasn't fully blossomed into what you believe is "mature". You believe my purpose is to learn, when I'm really here to teach. I teach you patience, compassion, motivation, forgiveness, but most importantly...I teach you how to love again.

You see I just came from the place where you're going and my memory of it is still intact, whereas you have forgotten it all. An occasional dream is given to remind you, but you big people are so distracted with yourselves that you pay little attention to it. Don’t be deceived by the simplicity of it all. I will grow up as you are and again become a learner. When I become old, like my Grandpa, I will begin to teach again. It is the roller coaster that is life...enjoy the ride! Well, that's enough of a lecture for now. I hope you enjoy my blog and remember to pay close attention, you might learn something.